new at are sets of scented
faux gingerbread boys and girls. They are adorable if I do say so myself and were worth the agony of trying to get the right colour, the right texture (since the clay kept cracking and flaking) and then deciding on the decoration! I'll have a non clay related item going up in the same shop within a day or so of my
OOAK bride doll.
Otherwise I have been spending today (my birthday and one of my dogs as well) just puttering and creating in my mind taking a few photos here and there. It's quite cool here, we've had rain mixed with snow and hail, and very windy as well. Prince Charles and
Dutchess Camillia (sorry if I've flubbed the spelling) made a visit to one of my favorite places in the city today (
Dundurn Castle) and to a docked warship as well. Exciting to have
royalty visit on your birthday!
I'm leaving you now to go and grab
another piece of my brownie and
carmel topped birthday cheesecake.
Stay safe and play nice with each other.