Thursday, April 29, 2010

a-hoy-hoy all!

Been hiding under my rock as has become the custom. I have not forgotten you all or my shops but I just haven't been able to get anything even slightly creative to be made into reality. It's cool. It's just a bump in the road. I do check in here and my shops every couple of days and I plan on having something to show, soon I hope. I just wanted to stop in and let you know I'm still out there just lurking right now.
peace, blessings and furry kisses!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

news-ish I guess

Well, somebody who I won't name let the Security Tool virus into my computer and well it began to take it over on Monday night and, well, um, this resulted in me wiping everything out to get rid of the darn thing. I would have backed up my pix and writing at the very least if I'd had the time but sadly as I had not backed up much other than my itunes and bookmarks in January I am without the majority of my pix and videos. I swear this time I will back up everything somehow! It's nice in a way to have a fresh start at it but frustrating as heck when I think about the amount of photos I let wander off. Oh well at least I'm up and running again.
Creative stuff... well I have a guilty confession to share....I've been tugged into the writing happy place again. I think it's somewhat of a distraction / coping thing but it's been flowing and it's been fun. Also it's been easier than the clay as I'm still stiff from the few stairs I got done.
So folks other than the rain and the daily routines that's about it. It's chilly here so I'm going to go grab a sweater and think about dinner soon.
peace, blessings and furry kisses

Sunday, April 4, 2010

checking in

It's been a few days longer than I'd planned to go without checking in here to say hello and see what everyone was up to. Sorry about that. I'm distracted with a course I'm taking that requires homework. Yes, I said homework! LOL, it's been a while since I had to get my brain in that mode. I also decided it was time to rip up the carpet on the stairs going from the main to top floor. I dislike carpet to say it nicely. Great idea since there is hardwood through the whole house (just buried under something) but this layer went carpet, sheet vinyl (very well stuck) and on the upper landing just for fun, a layer of linoleum then my beloved hardwood! It is an effort to say the least. I have been having success with boiling water to get the remainder of the generously applied and cured adhesive from the treads but have had to resort to some chemical thing for taking it off of the risers. It is slow work. The rewards will be so worth it though!
After the upper stairs are done I swear I'll get the grout on the lower landing then tackle the horrid laminate on the main floor (as the hardwood is just underneath it so it should be fairly easy). Then the lower stairs and kitchen then my room or something like that, lol's.
Happy chocolate bunny day everyone!
Got to get a bit more done so I'm off for now.
peace, blessings and furry kisses