Thursday, September 24, 2015


Hello all!
Just popping in to say hi. I've got a few new creations photoed and ready to go but I'm having some debate about the shops. I've been thinking about a move for a while now but I'm not firm on where I want to take it. I'd hate to list and then move but it's also not good having things ready and sitting either. I promise I'll make a decision very soon and keep you posted no matter. 

au revoir


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

So, that post I promised you.....

Guess I'd better get to it LOL.

So, big changes are afoot, bigger than I'd originally had to tell you when I'd promised the post. So, the short version is that it shouldn't have any effect on the production for either Bon Bon Betties or Betwixt Baubles, it in fact should help to keep me on track. The delays you've been seeing have had nothing to do with any of these other things. I'd like to make excuses but honestly it's been all on me getting ideas into actual form.
So you guys knew about my gaming broadcasts 4 nights a week on Twitch with archives to YouTube. I kinda went off and started another blog devoted to paranormal because of a picture I saw and a tumblr post I wrote. No, I'm never going to share that because my tumblr is random and something I don't share, I will however happily tell you about Parapopulous.
So seeing that it's paranormal based I understand it might not be your thing but I wanted to let you all know because I'm proud of it (just like all the other things I do). As always my links and info will be on the right if you're interested but you're not required to take notice. I know this blog is supposed to be exclusive to the OOAK shops and recently they've been taken over by news about other things, but I think it's important to keep you in the loop.
See the thing is all I was originally going to tell you was the blog existed but since then, well there's a few developments. The blog has turned into a podcast and now it's going to be on iTunes ! The original thing as well was to let you know my blogs are both available through Bloglovin'. And now with that info out to you, I'm going to go post a few links for those of you who might be interested and get a wee bit more work in on some pieces before the stream tonight.

au revoir


P.S. I've also reconnected with Clayamies so there may be some pretty ornaments to share this winter holiday season.