Day 5 of the OWOH event. Nope, I didn't forget about you. I got a little distracted in visiting the wonderful blogs out there, and may I say amazing bunch of people you all are!!! I also had a morning appointment that turned into a project that turned into a few injuries. Yes, more injuries! Yes, I am a wee bit klutzy, but I warned you! So, the latest wounds, lol, involved ripping up the carpet on my landing by my side door. Which led to ripping up the under padding & tack strips which led to a strip bouncing back and piercing my thumbnail through into my finger. Fun, never did that one before. Then 1 layer of sheet vinyl and 1 layer of linoleum tiles to arrive at a plywood over the original floor. I stopped there as it is sound enough and while I was prying up the linoleum tile squares I knelt on the pry bar / carpet removal thingy, on the right knee that's just healing from my fall 2 months ago. So then I began cutting tiles. Big cuts, no problem! Little cuts using nippers resulted in 1 small puncture wound as it flew back. And on an unrelated but got distracted a cut from the edge of metal tape as I was covering the seam on a piece of my ducting I was standing by cutting the tile and noticed it was gaped a little. Phew!!!! And aside from the aches of my back, wrist and other are pretty good. Now to wait for that to set and a few things to heal up a bit, then grout.
Next week look for the shops to finally get a wee rearrange and new additions soon after.
I need to go rest now so...
Play nice with each other!
peace, blessings & furry kisses
Thanks all for the wonderful comments and for stopping in to say hello!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
day 2
Welcome all to day 2 of the OWOH event!
Thanks to all who've dropped in and especially to those who've left comments. What great fun this is! If you want to participate in the chance for one of my offerings please continue to use as the post to leave your comment on. It is from that post I will enter the numbers into a random number generator and choose my winners on the 15th of February after 6pm. You don't have to say much, or anything really, it's just so I can identify you and have a way to get in touch with you if you are one of the lucky winners! Please remember 1 comment = 1 entry, so no more than 1 comment is needed.
So, onto other business......
Last night I walked into the corner of my office door frame, fingers first! OY!!!! My left ring finger is NOT doing well today. I don't think it's broken but it hasn't bruised yet either so....??? It however is really impeding any work I was planning on doing with clay so, UG on that. I guess I should have been expecting a new injury since I tend to be a wee bit klutzy and my last injuries from my fall are finally starting to feel better though the wrist (left one how'd you guess) is still stiff from that but hey, it's all still attached so it can't be that bad right?! I will attempt to please it with heat or ice or maybe tequila. Just joking since I don't drink and am way too lazy to bother with a pack either icy or not, lol.
I have some changes coming to my shops. Nothing earth shattering but I think it will freshen up things. Maybe that is where I'll focus myself with the finger issues since I can still do the one finger typing, lol.
Ok well in the intrests of saving my finger as much pain as I can, I'm going to stop typing now.
Play nice with each other!
blessings, peace & furry kisses
Thanks to all who've dropped in and especially to those who've left comments. What great fun this is! If you want to participate in the chance for one of my offerings please continue to use as the post to leave your comment on. It is from that post I will enter the numbers into a random number generator and choose my winners on the 15th of February after 6pm. You don't have to say much, or anything really, it's just so I can identify you and have a way to get in touch with you if you are one of the lucky winners! Please remember 1 comment = 1 entry, so no more than 1 comment is needed.
So, onto other business......
Last night I walked into the corner of my office door frame, fingers first! OY!!!! My left ring finger is NOT doing well today. I don't think it's broken but it hasn't bruised yet either so....??? It however is really impeding any work I was planning on doing with clay so, UG on that. I guess I should have been expecting a new injury since I tend to be a wee bit klutzy and my last injuries from my fall are finally starting to feel better though the wrist (left one how'd you guess) is still stiff from that but hey, it's all still attached so it can't be that bad right?! I will attempt to please it with heat or ice or maybe tequila. Just joking since I don't drink and am way too lazy to bother with a pack either icy or not, lol.
I have some changes coming to my shops. Nothing earth shattering but I think it will freshen up things. Maybe that is where I'll focus myself with the finger issues since I can still do the one finger typing, lol.
Ok well in the intrests of saving my finger as much pain as I can, I'm going to stop typing now.
Play nice with each other!
blessings, peace & furry kisses
Monday, January 25, 2010
One World One Heart starts here
Ok folks today is the start of the One world One Heart worldwide blog event!!!!
I am offering one of my handmade heart dog collar/purse charm/key fob/zipper pull (or whatever you can think of to call it) up for grabs, no strings attached just for coming here and leaving a comment to this post.
I am offering one of my handmade heart dog collar/purse charm/key fob/zipper pull (or whatever you can think of to call it) up for grabs, no strings attached just for coming here and leaving a comment to this post.
I am also offering 2 fish (1 per person) for a total of 3 items you have a chance to win!!!
The lucky fish (like the heart) are made from polymer clay and I hope are versatile enough to be welcome by anyone!
At the end of the event (February 15, 2010 after 6p.m. e.s.t.) I will randomly draw 3 comment numbers (1 for the heart and 2 for the fish) and the winners will each get 1 item at random. I will post winners here and contact winners privately on the 16th.
I will contact you through email so you MUST leave a way for me to contact you if you are the winner. Please ONE comment/entry per person. The event begins today and ends 6p.m. February 15, 2010 and to enter all you have to do is leave a comment to this blog entry. No cost or anything to you but your time! Otherwise I think that's it, so leave your comment here and use the link to visit others participating and or find out how to join in yourself!
Thanks for popping by!
Play nice with each other.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
p.s. here's a quick link beyond the one found off to the right.

Thanks for popping by!
Play nice with each other.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
p.s. here's a quick link beyond the one found off to the right.
blog event,
one world one heart,
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I was out roaming today, stopped into one of my favourite secondhand stores (though this one is a new location to me) and I found a 12 pack of Pearl Ex powder pretty much unused for 6 bucks!!!! Ok so it's a very basic colour set and I didn't get the chance to choose if I would have liked another colour set but hey Pearl Ex set of 12 for $6....WOW! For those of you who aren't familiar with it, it usually runs (here in Canada) for somewhere around the $30 to $40 range for what I got today. I've always wanted to try it but I'm toooooo cheap to spend it so I am delighted with this find. There is a similar idea that is used for automotive paint (and have tried it years ago) and it was quite nice but I've never been able to stumble on it in my roams about Princess Auto, though I might not have been in the right aisle, lol.
So, other than finding a really beautiful saute pan (all stainless steel and really heavy) for $5 and a cute pair of sandals for this party I've got to go to next week for $5 at the same place and a great big roast for $12 at my's been a good bargain day for me. Now I guess I'd better get my thinking cap on to come up with some ideas for my new polymer toys.
Play nice with each other!
peace, blessings and furry kisses
So, other than finding a really beautiful saute pan (all stainless steel and really heavy) for $5 and a cute pair of sandals for this party I've got to go to next week for $5 at the same place and a great big roast for $12 at my's been a good bargain day for me. Now I guess I'd better get my thinking cap on to come up with some ideas for my new polymer toys.
Play nice with each other!
peace, blessings and furry kisses
Friday, January 15, 2010
prize decided
Finally I came to a decision about what I will be giving away during the 'One World, One Heart' event. I have really hoped this will be something appealing to almost everyone in a "wow I want to keep that" or a "hey I bet I know somebody who'd love that" kind of way. I have decided on something simple but I hope timeless that is versatile.
Drum roll please.......

My lucky winner will get one of my large heart charms. It can be used as a pet collar charm, a key fob, a purse charm, zipper pull or even a pendant. And seeing that during the event is Valentines Day...well I thought it would be a good fit. I hope someone (or maybe a few someones) out there in internet land will like and want it.
So, that being said now, we wait for the official start and then my official post for you who want to win it to make your postings to so you can have the chance to win it. Wow, that was a run on sentence if I ever saw one, lol.
Now to go get some actual work done and not sit playing bejeweled on facebook for another 2 hours.
Play nice with each other!
peace, blessings & furry kisses
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Created a facebook fan page for my MsNovemberTuesday shops and ok if you want to heart it's creator as well, lol.
Was off to mail out another 2 items to their new home today! Yay for my buyers (and fans too)!!!
Not a real blog post tonight but I just wanted to let you guys know the news.
Play nice with each other!
peace, blessings & furry kisses
Was off to mail out another 2 items to their new home today! Yay for my buyers (and fans too)!!!
Not a real blog post tonight but I just wanted to let you guys know the news.
Play nice with each other!
peace, blessings & furry kisses
Thursday, January 7, 2010
me again
Hey, sorry I missed ya for a couple of days. I really did attempt too much on Monday with the loading and posting and such, lol. I have been distracted with some snow and walking or playing with my doggies as well as still trying to decide on a good prize for the OWOH event. I have set a deadline of the 15th to decide and hopefully have it made or at the very least to let people know and then fabricate it. Still somewhere inside me is the procrastinator I try so hard to kick out... ok maybe not so hard since I do procrastinate, lol.
I am also in a wee kafumble about a blog feature on my (now upgraded) artfire account. Do I post there as well? I have 5 blogs right now and adding a sixth .... um just not sure how practical that's going to work out to be. I am thinking streamlined is my goal for this year. It's quite draining to be all over the place and not feel like you've accomplished anything. Perhaps I'll redirect from a few or do a monthly or biweekly update. Not sure yet. Eh, what else is new with me!
So that's where I am other than the whole supper ideas and how since I forgot to take out the chicken I can't do the yummy creamy chicken thing tonight. Um, yeah, maybe I'll go now before I begin to scare the wee children with my rambling.
Be nice to each other!
peace, blessings & furry kisses
I am also in a wee kafumble about a blog feature on my (now upgraded) artfire account. Do I post there as well? I have 5 blogs right now and adding a sixth .... um just not sure how practical that's going to work out to be. I am thinking streamlined is my goal for this year. It's quite draining to be all over the place and not feel like you've accomplished anything. Perhaps I'll redirect from a few or do a monthly or biweekly update. Not sure yet. Eh, what else is new with me!
So that's where I am other than the whole supper ideas and how since I forgot to take out the chicken I can't do the yummy creamy chicken thing tonight. Um, yeah, maybe I'll go now before I begin to scare the wee children with my rambling.
Be nice to each other!
peace, blessings & furry kisses
Monday, January 4, 2010
a glimpse!
Far too little sleep last night but I was up and back into the routine of getting my son up and off to school again! 7a.m. comes way too early after having 2 weeks of staying up 'til 2a.m. and getting up around noon!
So in spite of this or maybe because I am sleep deprived ... lol... I have created a new charm today. I actually made the prototype last night for my shih tzu then made one to sell and another one for her since the colours didn't turn out quite as I'd wanted them to. I'm now in the process of trying to decide if etsy or artfire will be my main shop. I'd probably keep both just list much more on one making it my main shop. Thing is I'm having trouble deciding which is better value for me! I like a whole lot of the features of artfire but would need to invest on a monthly basis to get the whole bunch of goodies available and list the amount of items I'd want. I like etsy because I know it (lol) but am wishing it had a few more features and not liking the per item cost of listing and selling. They're both really good though artfire I think has the marketing edge but I still don't know. Any of my readers sell on either or both or know someone who does 'cause I'd love opinions on what you found worked best.
I am still thinking about what to offer as the prize for the one heart one world blog event. I have ideas but I want to be sure it is something that anyone could make use of or at least not be embarrassed to give someone else, lol.
So chasing my own tail around again!
'K well I should be off so I can attempt to get something done before I have to go get my son from school. All in all a pretty productive Monday so far. How's your day been?
Back soon.
peace & blessings
p.s. I'm also thinking of a 'cyber monday' promo. Here, on LJ, in my shop(s) or maybe all. I'll let you know when I figure out the details.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I've decided this year to participate in the 'One World One Heart' blog event. It seems a wonderful idea to get to know other bloggers from all over and at the end of it each blogger picks a random person from the comments/visitors to their post/site and they win a something! Yay a something, really?! See, it originally began as an artists thing so the prize would have been handmade art of some type but since all kinds of people are participating now it could be anything. Basics of it are found by clicking the link found in the right hand of my blog.
I haven't decided on the prize yet but I will get my grey matter to sorting that out and update you before the week is done.
On another craft/art note... my shops are probably going to look a wee bit bare as I restock and redirect. It is temporary and hopefully I will be running at full or near full tilt within the next few weeks, depending on production and that sort of thing.
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday time! And a happy holiday tomorrow to all of you in Scotland (according to my calender)!
Will catch up with you back here soon.
peace & blessings ;-)
I haven't decided on the prize yet but I will get my grey matter to sorting that out and update you before the week is done.
On another craft/art note... my shops are probably going to look a wee bit bare as I restock and redirect. It is temporary and hopefully I will be running at full or near full tilt within the next few weeks, depending on production and that sort of thing.
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday time! And a happy holiday tomorrow to all of you in Scotland (according to my calender)!
Will catch up with you back here soon.
peace & blessings ;-)
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