So hello!
I know I haven't been stopping by to chat recently. Sorry. I also haven't been doing any work. Sorry again. I had planned to attempt something even a very little thing somewhere around Wednesday but....
I have begun rereading Women Who Run With The Wolves. I find it interesting that there are parts that grab my attention that didn't the last time or the time before that. I am still stiff in my neck area and my lower back gets saucy with me but I think I'm going to start the necklace today. It's a big job simply because it's OOAK, it will tell me just how it needs to lay and such so I will begin and fill you in soon on either the finished work or how it's going.
So I will be off and begin that conversation as the weather here is beyond raining cats and's storming moose and bears! lololol's
peace, blessings and furry kisses
...eagerly awaiting the next installment!
Thanks for the vote of confidence!