Wednesday, June 30, 2010

some truths

So I was sitting here thinking after posting and after yesterdays fiasco. Something occurred to me about the truths of friendship. Forget the old saying of " a reason, a season, a lifetime" and take on the mantra of "toxic or not". Sure the old standby about friendship is true, there are some that will stand the tests of time and others that are fleeting. However in those truths are some unpleasantnesses that we tend to avoid even though our guts are telling us "danger, you dumb ass". Remember not all relationships fit a standard pattern but as long as it feel right, as long as you feel valued, can trust and be trusted (though really if you're being honest and conducting yourself right there isn't one fricking thing you can do to alter someone other than yourself), that weird it may be, but good it is then go on and enjoy!
No matter the relationship (friend, lover, family, work) toxic is toxic! We all know someone who seems to suck the life out of you. Someone who if you have a headache they have a brain tumor. Someone who says they value and trust you but keep doing and saying things that prove otherwise. These are bad. If you're the one doing them, which you might not be ready to acknowledge you part in it, then stop. Please realize you get what you get for a reason and if people avoid you or ignore you perhaps it's a subconscious reaction or perhaps they just don't know how to break the news to you that you are an annoying douchebag?! Okay, okay, we don't have to love everything about everyone, there will always be people we don't agree with, but it doesn't mean we can't respect each other. It doesn't mean we can't conduct ourselves and be to others how we want to be treated.
Always remember when you point a finger three point back at you. Before you point out the speck in another's eye, take care of the log in you own. Translation is before you go on ranting about this, that and the other about someone else.....stop.... think.... look in the mirror of your soul and be REALLY honest about how you've been to other people. I can be honest with you about my flaws, my lacking skills, my mistakes and frailties and am open to hearing you..... can you say the same.
Sometimes this hurts because honesty is not always fun nor does it always work in your favour but how can you say you have a relationship of any kind without it?! I'm not saying be hurtful or tactless. I am saying ENOUGH of the game playing, shit slinging and useless toying. If you value me show me with your actions, words are mere shadows of the reality.
Oh crap, I babbled just a wee bit again didn't I?! Really I didn't fit it into what's running about in my head but it's okay, I think I got out most of the important stuff in a way you'll get (hopefully). I just get so frustrated with the way we treat each other in the world lately and I wish there were more people who would just stop playing the games of deception and "I'm better than...". It gets really sad to watch and we all have so much more potential than that.

peace, blessings & furry kisses

p.s. I'm sure this'll bite me in the arse but what hasn't so ....why not be honest with you. LOL!

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