Tuesday, August 3, 2010


New listing #3, well 4 technically if you count the Springtime No1 which was on etsy and now on artfire with a bunch of items!Here's the link if you're interested... http://www.artfire.com/modules.php?name=Shop&op=listing&product_id=1687340 . If not as always, no worries.
So I've been clearing off a shelf and working on the closet in here to just get things a bit more organized. It's a slow process that will involve rearranging of the whole of my bookcase eventually. (And that's why I'm taking my time on it, lol!)
Construction is still going on for the water main replacement and eventually the road and new sidewalks. It's not looking like it will get done before school is back in so I'll likely be doing drop offs and pickups of my darling son at least for the start of the year. It's been going easily with the exception of my neighbour needing to dig up half my driveway so he could replace the piping into his house. That's only a nightmare because of the tension it's causing amongst some people about when and if he'll repair it. I'm not going to worry about it. If he doesn't have it done after the on ground temporary water main is gone and before the snow hits well, then I'll be chatting with him about just what is going on.
I'm restless in general. It's just my soul telling me things and (sometimes) wishing I'd listen, lol!
What it's telling me now is COOOOOOOFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEE, and that one I'm going to take heed of. I'll be back to chat with you again soon and until then check http://msnovembertuesday.tumblr.com/ www.twitter.com/msnovtues as well as my shops http://msnovembertuesday.artfire.com/ http://msnovembertuesday.etsy.com/ and stop in on facebook to say hi www.facebook.com/pages/MsNovemberTuesday/243211214678 !
as always...
peace, blessings & furry kisses

ps I really do need to start using tags for my postings to make things easier to find in the archives.... whoops ;-)

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