Monday, February 8, 2010

back again

Boy, what a true statement! I'm back to say hello again and my back injury has reared it's ugly head again. Ug, for both since I've been away too long from saying hello to you all and ug to the back thing as it is keeping me from getting anything done for the past few days thought it seems to be letting up at least enough that I'm able to sit here and say hi so, maybe things are starting to improve a wee bit which is good. So, other that that things have been quite quiet here. We are expecting some snow over the next 3 days, just in time for my back, lol.
I was thinking, which I've had more than enough time for with this latest episode, an I feel bad there hasn't been as much polymer clay on here as I'd originally intended. When I first started this blog I thought I'd have this as a clay blog and have my other blog over on LJ as more of a hey this is what's going on in mu life kind of thing. Well, it really hasn't worked out that way on either counts as I haven't been writing as much n either my personal or business blog on LJ and I have been wandering into personal stuff here. LOL, things just have a way of meandering into what they want! I must say I am glad to have found so may interesting blogs through the OWOH event and just with links and followers of others. It has been an amazing journey so far and I can only expect it to get better. I do plan to do some more show and tell here right now I am at the whim of my back and the length of time I can sit or even be mobile so I'll say thanks in advance for bearing with me while my journey here slows and meanders!
Having said that I do need to get out of the sitting position for a while again so I'm going to leave you for now with intentions to be back chatting with you tomorrow.
Play nice with each other.
peace, blessings & furry kisses

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like a bad back to wreck a day! Glad you were able to sit at the computer for a bit.
    Take care of yourself!


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