Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I realise I keep talking about changes and changes coming soon to the shops and I've kind of left you dangling there. And well honestly you've bee dangling there for a while now and I guess I should fill you in a bit.

So, I tend to get distracted. This is why you see a range of stuff in my shops and in my background. It's also why up til about 2 years ago I changed my hair colour every few months, lol.

I love animals. So, I'll be keeping some form of pretties or toys for them.

I am terribly nervous in starting or showing my work. Silly I know but it's true.

I really like to create as I feel it. LOL how corny, I know but I've never been a fan of repeating the same thing over and over again.

So what does this have to do with my shops? Well, as I'm getting to know myself better during this current back recuperation time, I'm getting to see what and how I want to create and just what I want to be known for. This has prompted the category changes in my MsNovemberTuesday shops. Folks, I'm going to be focusing on a more free form type of creation, of OOAK (one of a kind) ideas and items back to trying to impress myself with my work and being heartbroken to see a piece sell because I've loved it that much. Not that I ever had mass production or many multiples, other than the pet charms but I've always felt the pressure to be a production person and it just isn't working for me. It's left me slightly overwhelmed as I organize and do everything with that pressure (though self imposed) over my head. This new way of thinking about my creating feels right to me and I hope you will enjoy it too!

Now having decided this and told you all, I will celebrate with a coffee and wonderfully yummy scone.
peace, blessings & furry kisses

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