Ok, ok, for those of you reading yesterdays blog, yes there was a pun, and yes it was intended. I was just seeing if anybody would call me out on it or not but a friend of mine said I'd better go correct myself lest anyone out there in the wide web think less of me. LOLOLOL's If you're still coming back to read, you know what you're in for by now!
We're supposed to be in the midst of a HUGE storm now but as of yet it hasn't materialized so let's just keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't just turn up late. Though I'd really like a snow day tomorrow and not have to get up to take my son to school, I'd like much more to not have to deal with snow.
I do have some pictures to share with you but I'm not on the desktop where I left them so you'll wait, I hope. Nothing too exciting just another look at a bit more of the components that are going to be going into the OOAK. I'm not so pleased with one set of "pearls" I made today but I'm sure they'll come in handy for another project. Otherwise I am pleased about it all just the usual agony about will it turn out as good as it appears in my mind. Guess we'll all have to wait and see on that one.
Um, well.... let's see what else. Not much really. I've been doing a little writing and no as usual it's nothing to share yet. (Please refer to the Family Guy / Brian and Stewie bit about Brians novel to finish the gag yourself.) I love to write and like most things I do I'm never sure if I do it well enough to share. Though seeing I've had exhibitions and been published, perhaps it's time to give up the whole run myself down routine for something a little less destructive to the soul. But habits are hard to break especially the bad ones!
I'm cold but I've got a few more spoonfuls of ice cream and it's melted to just how I like it so...... I'm taking off for now.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
um, yeah....
So apparently more people read this than I thought. Let me clarify my (what I thought fun) comment about my 14 year old self...... Um, no I don't know him, nor do I ever hope to. It was a light hearted comment made about a person who appears very blonde to my very black hair re: the salt and pepper thing, and though yes I have been a fan of the music for well, way too long to admit, no I do not know him. Nor do I have multiple personalities for that matter folks...it was just me being me, saying something I didn't think a big deal (and still don't) being a little fun. I know the fan base can be passionate but holy hell I wasn't expecting a few of the emails I got. So to appease the few, let me alter (no pun intended) my statement to ..... the 37 year old I am, says I'd gladly take photography, determination or makeup tips from you Mr Rhodes. Oh shit maybe I shouldn't have said the makeup one....oh well we'll see what I find in my inbox from that one, lol.
So now that is done, I am off to work much more on what I started yesterday. And it appears it will be a few more as well for the whole idea I have to be done as I envision it. Oh well back to the salt mines and dodging the pitchforks!
peace, blessings and furry kisses
So now that is done, I am off to work much more on what I started yesterday. And it appears it will be a few more as well for the whole idea I have to be done as I envision it. Oh well back to the salt mines and dodging the pitchforks!
peace, blessings and furry kisses
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
break time

So, for the past 2 hours I've been working on the beginnings of what will become 2 or three new OOAK pieces. There really isn't much to show yet which kind of sucks since I have been plugging away at it for two hours but at least it is a beginning! I have been doing some soul searching and in the midst of it reminded myself NOTHING comes without hard work. And if I want to be considered a designer again I damn well better remember only an amature waits for inspiration, I need to create my own.

Besides that there's just way too much snow out there for me to want to (or be able to) walk far/go out. It's not all that much but going from grass yesterday just before lunchtime to what is there now .... ug. And, why don't people know that you don't shovel onto the road! It only make it worse folks and it and the next item are actually illegal to do where I live but you'd never know it from the amount of people who JDGAF. Oh and clean off your fricking cars and slow down for those of us who are walking in this evil white fluffy stuff will ya. LOL's snow and I like each other but we prefer to not have to involve others in the relationship.
Ok, so I NEED another coffee if I plan to keep breathing so....
peace, blessings and furry kisses (which seem kind of kinky when done as p, b & fk)
p.s. Mr. Nick Rhodes my 14 year old self would like to re-issue that marriage proposal, she thinks we'd make a cute little salt and pepper set now.....lol's see what being trapped inside by white fluffiness does!!!
new stuff,
Nick Rhodes,
Friday, February 19, 2010
um, ok, so...
I'm supposed to be working on new things right?! I have the ideas in my head but I'm having a really tough time trying to get them to become real. Shit, it's sounding like a peter pan movie here. LOL's. I think because they are so different than anything I've shown before I'm getting intimidated by the actual creation of them and the reaction to them. It's hard to know when you've had your instinct drummed out of you by 'well meaning' people. I'm trying. Ok over the past few hours I've been trying to get a kick ass bejeweled score over on facebook but... Yikes.
Artistically right now it's a challenge because I've got some personal stuff I'm wrestling with and it just leaves me so drained that I just don't feel like anything. I know, and I do just want to push through it and let whatever comes out of it come out but it is easier said than done when you can't find the tiniest flicker of it. I'm not going to do into the whole personal jumble o' crap but let's just say it involves deciding the existence I've been doing isn't cutting it for me anymore. I didn't always have this proverbial stick up my ass, I was happy. At least I think I remember being happy once, maybe twice. Ok, ok, I exaggerate a bit there but you get my point. Perhaps it is all part of the artistic angst I wrote about a bit back. maybe it's just my third of a life crisis. Maybe I got that stick wedged up there way too good.
Ok well I guess I'm going to at least go and ponder a creation or two while rummaging through my clay while this fricking DuranDuran song (Starting to Remember) runs through my head and I try not to tear up. It's good to know somebody else felt this way or at the very least had a good enough imagination. The song...
5. starting to remember
How to begin do I shed a skin?
Now that I am starting to remember
It takes a while
But you find a way to open up the door
Let demons walk
Now that I am starting to remember
Can't change my world
I was happy ever after
Was it only yesterday?
That I bought the dream?
But I don't sleep no more
Counting the hours
‘Til the dawn
Now that I am starting to remember
How to love
How to learn draw like a child
Run for miles and miles
Now that I am starting to remember
Who I am
Another lonely night ahead for me now
Buried in the darkening day
That lingers on
And drags me down
But you've got to believe
Time will heal.
written by/copyright: Duran Duran
© 2000 Skin Trade Music and Private Parts Music
Ok well make of me what you will. I feel exposed having shared that with you all. And usually when I bare even a sliver of my soul it comes back to haunt me so it's not like I won't be expecting it.
Until later....
peace, blessings & furry kisses
Artistically right now it's a challenge because I've got some personal stuff I'm wrestling with and it just leaves me so drained that I just don't feel like anything. I know, and I do just want to push through it and let whatever comes out of it come out but it is easier said than done when you can't find the tiniest flicker of it. I'm not going to do into the whole personal jumble o' crap but let's just say it involves deciding the existence I've been doing isn't cutting it for me anymore. I didn't always have this proverbial stick up my ass, I was happy. At least I think I remember being happy once, maybe twice. Ok, ok, I exaggerate a bit there but you get my point. Perhaps it is all part of the artistic angst I wrote about a bit back. maybe it's just my third of a life crisis. Maybe I got that stick wedged up there way too good.
Ok well I guess I'm going to at least go and ponder a creation or two while rummaging through my clay while this fricking DuranDuran song (Starting to Remember) runs through my head and I try not to tear up. It's good to know somebody else felt this way or at the very least had a good enough imagination. The song...
5. starting to remember
How to begin do I shed a skin?
Now that I am starting to remember
It takes a while
But you find a way to open up the door
Let demons walk
Now that I am starting to remember
Can't change my world
I was happy ever after
Was it only yesterday?
That I bought the dream?
But I don't sleep no more
Counting the hours
‘Til the dawn
Now that I am starting to remember
How to love
How to learn draw like a child
Run for miles and miles
Now that I am starting to remember
Who I am
Another lonely night ahead for me now
Buried in the darkening day
That lingers on
And drags me down
But you've got to believe
Time will heal.
written by/copyright: Duran Duran
© 2000 Skin Trade Music and Private Parts Music
Ok well make of me what you will. I feel exposed having shared that with you all. And usually when I bare even a sliver of my soul it comes back to haunt me so it's not like I won't be expecting it.
Until later....
peace, blessings & furry kisses
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
wanted to share
Yes, me again!
I just stumbled onto a blog with the most wondrous photography. I am in awe of quite a few of the shots and can't wait to see what they decide to show next! I should warn you there are a few semi-disturbing shots, not nudity or violence but in the older posts there are a few of a pig being 'prepared'. That being said the blog is .....WOW and one day when I grow up I want to be able to take pictures like that. ;-)
Oh, here's the place http://grassdoe.blogspot.com/
See you again soon.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
I just stumbled onto a blog with the most wondrous photography. I am in awe of quite a few of the shots and can't wait to see what they decide to show next! I should warn you there are a few semi-disturbing shots, not nudity or violence but in the older posts there are a few of a pig being 'prepared'. That being said the blog is .....WOW and one day when I grow up I want to be able to take pictures like that. ;-)
Oh, here's the place http://grassdoe.blogspot.com/
See you again soon.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
OWOH winners
I am pleased to say (though I'm sure there are a few of you who were wishing they wouldn't) that all of my winners have contacted me!!! Yay!
Thanks again for all who dropped in and the wonderful comments. I can't wait for next years event! And perhaps I won't have to as I am thinking of making one or more random giveaways either through my blog here or my facebook fan page http://www.facebook.com/pages/MsNovemberTuesday/243211214678. I guess the catch will be that you'll need to be a fan or follower at both to know when I am going to be giving away and or giving promotions of some sort. I hope you'll consider doing both since it's been great fun having all of you visit me here!
Ok, well I have to get the items off to their new owners so, it's off to the post office I will be going very soon.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
Thanks again for all who dropped in and the wonderful comments. I can't wait for next years event! And perhaps I won't have to as I am thinking of making one or more random giveaways either through my blog here or my facebook fan page http://www.facebook.com/pages/MsNovemberTuesday/243211214678. I guess the catch will be that you'll need to be a fan or follower at both to know when I am going to be giving away and or giving promotions of some sort. I hope you'll consider doing both since it's been great fun having all of you visit me here!
Ok, well I have to get the items off to their new owners so, it's off to the post office I will be going very soon.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
Monday, February 15, 2010
One World One Heart ends here
Numbers have been drawn.
Winners are:
#16 Bleubeard and Elizabeth
alteredbooklover [at] cox.net
#104 lachsekatze
thea-tauscht [at] web.de
#73 Dschrader
sodapop [at] ptialaska.net
I have e-mailed.
I wish I could have given something to everyone!
If I don't hear back from everyone drawn by Thursday the 18th of February, I will redraw the number(s) and post here and a blog entry as well to let everyone know.
Winners are:

#16 Bleubeard and Elizabeth
alteredbooklover [at] cox.net

#104 lachsekatze
thea-tauscht [at] web.de

#73 Dschrader
sodapop [at] ptialaska.net
I have e-mailed.
I wish I could have given something to everyone!
If I don't hear back from everyone drawn by Thursday the 18th of February, I will redraw the number(s) and post here and a blog entry as well to let everyone know.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Happy Happy
Just wanted to drop in and say a very Happy Happy to all as this weekend is both Lunar New Year and Valentines Day. I'm hoping everyone has a lovely time and if you have too much chocolate .... I could be persuaded to help, lol.
Also Monday at 6p.m. e.s.t. is the end of the OWOH event so Tuesday I'll be letting you all know the winners!!! Don't forget to post here http://msnovembertuesday.blogspot.com/2010/01/one-world-one-heart-starts-here.html if you haven't all ready. And if you have, thanks for dropping in. I hope you'll come back and visit even after the event is over.
Ok that's it for me right now.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
Also Monday at 6p.m. e.s.t. is the end of the OWOH event so Tuesday I'll be letting you all know the winners!!! Don't forget to post here http://msnovembertuesday.blogspot.com/2010/01/one-world-one-heart-starts-here.html if you haven't all ready. And if you have, thanks for dropping in. I hope you'll come back and visit even after the event is over.
Ok that's it for me right now.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
lunar new year,
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I heard today that fashion genius Lee McQueen head of and creator of Alexander McQueen is dead. Very sad. It is supposedly by his own hand. Evan sadder. Being an artistic creative person and knowing so many others involved in artistic creation I'm not surprised at the possibility he committed suicide. I'm not saying all artistic minded people are 'crazy' or suicidal but there is something about the creative process, it's frantic creative period and the often downside as your creations are put out for others to see and comment on.
I remember reading a study once that said how a significant portion of the great masters of art were manic or had some form of psychological disorder. Not surprising. Art in any form (music, painting, whatever) is a process, and a uniquely personal one that begins as a spark in your mind that you transform into something solid and tangible for the world to see and evaluate it's merits. Oh yes most of us say we make what makes us happy and pish-posh to what anybody else thinks. Really?! Somewhere in the back of your mind even the strongest personality has at the very least a fleeting moment of agony over something said about them, their works,or the way it's presented. Even if the reviews don't get you, creating is a wonderful and painful thing all at the same time. It's the franticness of trying to capture that idea, the tension of how do I make it real and the best I can, and then it's the labour and often struggle of the actual production of it and then the elation of it being done. Once that parts done, it's on to how will I get it noticed, have I really done it justice, and what if they don't get it. Success... they do get it, they do like it, how will I keep it authentic and now I'm famous and have no privacy. Failure.... they hate it, they don't want it, how the fuck am I going to survive and do I modify me and my ideas to become a commercial success. It's often up and down like no roller coaster I've ever seen.
R.I.P. Mr McQueen may those of us still on this side of the void be inspired by your courage and vision and not lost in the sorrow of it.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
I remember reading a study once that said how a significant portion of the great masters of art were manic or had some form of psychological disorder. Not surprising. Art in any form (music, painting, whatever) is a process, and a uniquely personal one that begins as a spark in your mind that you transform into something solid and tangible for the world to see and evaluate it's merits. Oh yes most of us say we make what makes us happy and pish-posh to what anybody else thinks. Really?! Somewhere in the back of your mind even the strongest personality has at the very least a fleeting moment of agony over something said about them, their works,or the way it's presented. Even if the reviews don't get you, creating is a wonderful and painful thing all at the same time. It's the franticness of trying to capture that idea, the tension of how do I make it real and the best I can, and then it's the labour and often struggle of the actual production of it and then the elation of it being done. Once that parts done, it's on to how will I get it noticed, have I really done it justice, and what if they don't get it. Success... they do get it, they do like it, how will I keep it authentic and now I'm famous and have no privacy. Failure.... they hate it, they don't want it, how the fuck am I going to survive and do I modify me and my ideas to become a commercial success. It's often up and down like no roller coaster I've ever seen.
R.I.P. Mr McQueen may those of us still on this side of the void be inspired by your courage and vision and not lost in the sorrow of it.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I realise I keep talking about changes and changes coming soon to the shops and I've kind of left you dangling there. And well honestly you've bee dangling there for a while now and I guess I should fill you in a bit.
So, I tend to get distracted. This is why you see a range of stuff in my shops and in my background. It's also why up til about 2 years ago I changed my hair colour every few months, lol.
I love animals. So, I'll be keeping some form of pretties or toys for them.
I am terribly nervous in starting or showing my work. Silly I know but it's true.
I really like to create as I feel it. LOL how corny, I know but I've never been a fan of repeating the same thing over and over again.
So what does this have to do with my shops? Well, as I'm getting to know myself better during this current back recuperation time, I'm getting to see what and how I want to create and just what I want to be known for. This has prompted the category changes in my MsNovemberTuesday shops. Folks, I'm going to be focusing on a more free form type of creation, of OOAK (one of a kind) ideas and items back to trying to impress myself with my work and being heartbroken to see a piece sell because I've loved it that much. Not that I ever had mass production or many multiples, other than the pet charms but I've always felt the pressure to be a production person and it just isn't working for me. It's left me slightly overwhelmed as I organize and do everything with that pressure (though self imposed) over my head. This new way of thinking about my creating feels right to me and I hope you will enjoy it too!
Now having decided this and told you all, I will celebrate with a coffee and wonderfully yummy scone.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
So, I tend to get distracted. This is why you see a range of stuff in my shops and in my background. It's also why up til about 2 years ago I changed my hair colour every few months, lol.
I love animals. So, I'll be keeping some form of pretties or toys for them.
I am terribly nervous in starting or showing my work. Silly I know but it's true.
I really like to create as I feel it. LOL how corny, I know but I've never been a fan of repeating the same thing over and over again.
So what does this have to do with my shops? Well, as I'm getting to know myself better during this current back recuperation time, I'm getting to see what and how I want to create and just what I want to be known for. This has prompted the category changes in my MsNovemberTuesday shops. Folks, I'm going to be focusing on a more free form type of creation, of OOAK (one of a kind) ideas and items back to trying to impress myself with my work and being heartbroken to see a piece sell because I've loved it that much. Not that I ever had mass production or many multiples, other than the pet charms but I've always felt the pressure to be a production person and it just isn't working for me. It's left me slightly overwhelmed as I organize and do everything with that pressure (though self imposed) over my head. This new way of thinking about my creating feels right to me and I hope you will enjoy it too!
Now having decided this and told you all, I will celebrate with a coffee and wonderfully yummy scone.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
shop stuff
So, I just finished redoing my shop categories. It's nothing major but I just feel these are a better fit for where I want to take things. I'll probably get restless in the fall and redo them again but for now they are as I want them. So, next step is getting moving on making and listing. This one is tricky since my ability to sit isn't quite there yet but I'm trying, lol. It's getting frustrating, even these few days of inability to sit and focus is eating at me.
On a happier note I found some beautiful stone chips that I am in love with and can't wait to make myself some new earrings with. Maybe I'll whip up a batch for one of my shops if I like how they turn out. I'll keep you posted on the results.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
On a happier note I found some beautiful stone chips that I am in love with and can't wait to make myself some new earrings with. Maybe I'll whip up a batch for one of my shops if I like how they turn out. I'll keep you posted on the results.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
Monday, February 8, 2010
back again
Boy, what a true statement! I'm back to say hello again and my back injury has reared it's ugly head again. Ug, for both since I've been away too long from saying hello to you all and ug to the back thing as it is keeping me from getting anything done for the past few days thought it seems to be letting up at least enough that I'm able to sit here and say hi so, maybe things are starting to improve a wee bit which is good. So, other that that things have been quite quiet here. We are expecting some snow over the next 3 days, just in time for my back, lol.
I was thinking, which I've had more than enough time for with this latest episode, an I feel bad there hasn't been as much polymer clay on here as I'd originally intended. When I first started this blog I thought I'd have this as a clay blog and have my other blog over on LJ as more of a hey this is what's going on in mu life kind of thing. Well, it really hasn't worked out that way on either counts as I haven't been writing as much n either my personal or business blog on LJ and I have been wandering into personal stuff here. LOL, things just have a way of meandering into what they want! I must say I am glad to have found so may interesting blogs through the OWOH event and just with links and followers of others. It has been an amazing journey so far and I can only expect it to get better. I do plan to do some more show and tell here right now I am at the whim of my back and the length of time I can sit or even be mobile so I'll say thanks in advance for bearing with me while my journey here slows and meanders!
Having said that I do need to get out of the sitting position for a while again so I'm going to leave you for now with intentions to be back chatting with you tomorrow.
Play nice with each other.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
I was thinking, which I've had more than enough time for with this latest episode, an I feel bad there hasn't been as much polymer clay on here as I'd originally intended. When I first started this blog I thought I'd have this as a clay blog and have my other blog over on LJ as more of a hey this is what's going on in mu life kind of thing. Well, it really hasn't worked out that way on either counts as I haven't been writing as much n either my personal or business blog on LJ and I have been wandering into personal stuff here. LOL, things just have a way of meandering into what they want! I must say I am glad to have found so may interesting blogs through the OWOH event and just with links and followers of others. It has been an amazing journey so far and I can only expect it to get better. I do plan to do some more show and tell here right now I am at the whim of my back and the length of time I can sit or even be mobile so I'll say thanks in advance for bearing with me while my journey here slows and meanders!
Having said that I do need to get out of the sitting position for a while again so I'm going to leave you for now with intentions to be back chatting with you tomorrow.
Play nice with each other.
peace, blessings & furry kisses
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
groundhog day
Like the groundhogs today I am peeking out of my hole to say hello! LOL!!! It's been a busy weekend for me with a gala dinner event that I was a date for. We've gone every year for the past 5 and the organization and execution of service just wasn't there this year. They had a great theme but didn't follow through on it, which was sad. It was a nice table of people (aside form my date who was being an ass). I traditionally go but am wondering if this is the last year of both the friendship and attending. Oh, well.
So, how has the OWOH event been treating you all? I've been amazed by the blogs and their bloggers and I haven't been to visit everyone yet. Feel free to visit my facebook fan page and become a fan if you are amused by myself or my creations as it's just a central hub and a way for me to keep up with y'all faster than a blog.
Otherwise we are waiting to get some snow here. Not much only 2 to 4 cm but it will make things mucky if it does come. We really haven't had anything of a winter here compared to our last 2 which were 20cm+ dumpings of snow on an almost weekly basis so, you won't hear me complain.
Well, I know I'm running off on you again but I've got an invitation from my son to play on the 360 with him so while he's still interested in spending time with me I'll take advantage, lol.
play nice with each other!
peace, blessings and furry kisses
So, how has the OWOH event been treating you all? I've been amazed by the blogs and their bloggers and I haven't been to visit everyone yet. Feel free to visit my facebook fan page and become a fan if you are amused by myself or my creations as it's just a central hub and a way for me to keep up with y'all faster than a blog.
Otherwise we are waiting to get some snow here. Not much only 2 to 4 cm but it will make things mucky if it does come. We really haven't had anything of a winter here compared to our last 2 which were 20cm+ dumpings of snow on an almost weekly basis so, you won't hear me complain.
Well, I know I'm running off on you again but I've got an invitation from my son to play on the 360 with him so while he's still interested in spending time with me I'll take advantage, lol.
play nice with each other!
peace, blessings and furry kisses
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